A Growing Bibliography of Works by Women philosophers in India
Books (Authored/Edited)
Chandel, Bhuvan. Marxian Ethics: Some Preliminary Considerations. Munshiram Manoharlal Publishers, 1978.
Chatterjee Margaret. Modalities of Otherness A Serpentining Tale of Enemies, Strangers, Neighbors, Mortality, Hospitality, and Cognate Matters. Promilla and Co., 2010.
Chatterjee Margaret. Contemporary Indian Philosophy. Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass, 1998.
Chatterjee Margaret. Gandhi and the Challenge of Religious Diversity: Religious Pluralism Revisited. New Delhi: Promilla & Co., 2005.
Chatterjee Margaret. Gandhi's Diagnostic Approach Rethought: Exploring a Perspective on His Life and Work. New Delhi: Bibliophile South Asia, 2007.
Chatterjee Margaret. Gandhi's Religious Thoughts. London: Palgrave Macmillan, 1983
Chatterjee Margaret. Inter-Religious Communication: A Gandhian Perspective. New Delhi: Bibliophile South Asia, 2009.
Chatterjee Margaret. Sketches and Conversations Recalled (New Delhi: Promilla & Co. Publishers, 2010)
Chatterjee, Margaret. Gandhi and his Jewish friends. Palgrave Macmillan, London, 1992.
Chatterjee, Margaret. Lifeworlds and ethics: Studies in several keys. The council for research in values and philosophy, 2007.
Chatterjee, Margaret. Philosophical Enquiries. Motilal Banarsidass , 1968.
Chaturvedi, Vibha, and Pragati Shani. Understanding Ethics. Macmillan Publishers (2013).
Chaturvedi, Vibha. Wittgenstein's fideism: belief, reason, and practice. Om Publications, 2002.
Jhanji Rekha. The Sensous in Art: Reflection in Indian Aesthetics. IIAS and Motilal Banarasidass, 1989)
Kelkar Meena. Subordinating Women: A New Perspective (New Delhi: Discovery Publishing House, 1995.
Mahadevan K, Between femininity and feminism: colonial and postcolonial perspectives on care (New Delhi:ICPR and DK Printworld, 2014)
Meena Kelkar and Deepti Gangavane eds. Feminism in Search of An Identity: The Indian Context. Rajasthan: Rawat Publications, 2003.
Miri, Sujata. Religion and society of north-east India. Vikas Publishing House, 1980.
Moitra Shefali. Feminist Thought: Androcentrism, Communication & Objectivity Jadavpur Studies in Philosophy. New Delhi: MunshiramManoharlal Pub., 2002
Moitra Shefali. Ujani Meye: Life and Philosophy of Simone de Beauvoir.Kolkata: EbangMushayera, 2013.
Motilal, Shashi, ed. Applied Ethics and Human Rights: Conceptual Analysis and Contextual Applications. Anthem Press, 2010.
Mullick, M. eds, 1979. Social Enquiry: Goals and Approaches. Munshi Manohar Lal Publishers.
Mullick Mohini. Classical Indian Thought and the English Language. Delhi: D.K. Print World Ltd & ICPR, 2015.
Natarajan, Kanchana (trs). Transgressing Boundaries: The Advaitic Songs of ShenkottaiAvudaiAkkal. New Delhi: Zubaan, 2012
Natarajan, Kanchana. VidhiViveka of MandanaMisra: Understanding Vedic Injunctions.Sri Satguru Publications, 1995
Puri, Bindu. The Tagore-Gandhi debate on matters of truth and untruth. New Delhi: Springer India, 2015.
Sahni, Pragati. Environmental ethics in Buddhism: a virtues approach. Routledge, 2007.
Sen, Manidipa. Self-knowledge and Agency. Decent Books 2012.
Banerjee, Amrita and Karilemla. "Arju as “Caring Space, In-Between”: Philosophical Reflections on “Care” from Ao Naga, India." Philosophy in the Contemporary World 23, no. 1 (2016): 91-105.
Banerjee, Amrita. "Race and a transnational reproductive caste system: Indian transnational surrogacy." Hypatia 29, no. 1 (2014): 113-128.
Chakraborty, Soma. "Ārṣa (Cognition of Seers or Sages) in Vaiśeṣika Philosophy." Journal of Indian Council of Philosophical Research 33, no. 2 (2016): 197-212.
Chatterjee, Amita, "Naturalism in Classical Indian Philosophy", The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Winter 2017 Edition), Edward N. Zalta (ed.), URL = https://plato.stanford.edu/archives/win2017/entries/naturalism-india/
Chatterjee, Amita. "Roads to Mathematical Pluralism: Some Pointers." Journal of Indian Council of Philosophical Research 34, no. 2 (2017): 209-225.
Chatterjee, Amita. "Truth in Indian Philosophy." A Companion to World Philosophies (2017): 334-345.
Chatterjee, Margaret (1992). “The Concept of Spirituality.” Philosophy East and West, 42 (1):178-182.
Chatterjee, Margaret. "Introducing Existentialism." Existentialism in American Literature (1983): 17-31.
Chaturvedi, Vibha. "Believer Versus Unbeliever: Reflections on the Wittgensteinian Perspective." Indian Philosophical Quarterly (1993): 173-187.
Chaturvedi, Vibha. "Philosophical Implications of Religious Pluralism." Journal of Indian Council of Philosophical Research 33, no. 1 (2016): 43-59.
Karilemla. "Heidegger's Contrasting Notion of Worldview in the Early, Middle, and Later Writings." The Humanistic Psychologist 43, no. 3 (2015): 250-266.
Katarnikar, Meenal. "Aparigraha: Conceptual Understanding and Practical Application (Toward Exploring the Rational Dimension of Aparigraha)." Journal of Indian Council of Philosophical Research (2018): 1-9.
Katarnikar, Meenal. "Constitutive Conditions of Perception: Debate in Indian Tradition." In Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy, vol. 16, pp. 137-142. 2018.
Mahadevan, Kanchana. "Capabilities and Universality in Feminist Politics." Journal of the Indian Council of Philosophical Research 18, no. 4 (2001): 75-105.
Mahadevan, Kanchana. "Colonial modernity: A critique." Indian Literature 46, no. 3 (209 (2002): 193-211.
Mahadevan, Kanchana. "Gadamerian Hermeneutics: Between Strangers and Friends." Language and Interpretation: Hermeneutics from East-West Perspective 11 (2007): 91-122.
Mahadevan, Kanchana. "KC Bhattacharyya and Spivak on Kant: Colonial and Post-colonial Perspectives, Lessons, and Prospects." In Philosophy in Colonial India, pp. 137-163. Springer, New Delhi, 2015.
Mahadevan, Kanchana. "The'Virtuous Woman': Law, Language and Activism." Economic and Political Weekly(2008): 44-53.
Moitra, Shefali. "Some Feminist Expectations from Mathematical Pluralism." Journal of Indian Council of Philosophical Research 34, no. 2 (2017): 247-257.
Moitra, Shefali. "The Sex/Gender System." Feminist Thought: Androcenticism, Communication and Objectivity: 6-29.
Moitra, Shefali. "Women, Communication and Science: Identity Question." Economic and Political Weekly (1996): WS39-WS41.
Motilal, Shashi. "Is Ethical Theory Opposed to Moral Practice?." Journal of Indian Council of Philosophical Research 32, no. 3 (2015): 289-299.
Motilal, Shashi. "Sustainable development goals and human moral obligations: the ends and means relation." Journal of Global Ethics 11, no. 1 (2015): 24-31.
Mullick, Mohini. "Colonialism and Traditional Forms of Knowledge: Then and Now." In Philosophy in Colonial India, pp. 239-253. Springer, New Delhi, 2015.
Mullick, Mohini. "Does Ockham accept material implication?." Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 12, no. 1 (1971): 117-124.
Mullick, Mohini. "Implication and entailment in Navya-nyāya logic." Journal of Indian Philosophy 4, no. 1-2 (1976): 127-134.
Mullick, Mohini. "On ‘the Ethics of Theorizing’ in the Cracked Mirror: Some Comments." Journal of Indian Council of Philosophical Research 32, no. 1 (2015): 135-142.
Mullick, M., 1978. On Marx's Conception of a Positive Science. Social Scientist, pp.55-66.
Mullick, M., 1972. Benardete on Sense Perception and the a Priori. Mind, 81(322), pp.280-283.
Mullick, M., 1975. On the criteria of rationality. Philosophy of the Social Sciences, 5(3).
Mullick, M., 2004. Philosophical Consciousness and Scientific Knowledge: Proper Place of Reason. Philosophical Consciousness and Scientific Knowledge: Conceptual Linkages and Civilizational Background, Centre for Studies in Civilizations.
Mullick, M., 1976. The Rationality Principle: Its Role in Social Scientific Explanation. Indian Philosophical Quarterly, 6(2).
Mullick, M., 2001. Nityanand Mishra: A Rejoinder to Professor RC Pradhan's. Journal of Indian Council of Philosophical Research, 18(1-3).
Mullick, M., 2000. Rationality and the Limits of Reason. Science and Tradition.
Natarajan, Kanchana. "Desire and Deviance in Classical Indian Philosophy: A Study of Female Masculinity and Male Femininity in the Tamil Folk Legend Alliyarasanimalai." In Women’s Sexualities and Masculinities in a Globalizing Asia, pp. 47-66. Palgrave Macmillan, New York, 2007.
Natarajan, Kanchana. "Gendering of Early Indian Philosophy: A Study of" Samkhyakarika"." Economic and Political Weekly (2001): 1398-1404.
Natarajan, Kanchana. "Interfeminine Bonding: Reading Carroll Smith-Rosenberg from a Southern Indian Perspective." Journal of Women's History 12, no. 3 (2000): 13-22.
Natarajan, Kanchana. "Primordial waters: Some remarks on Rig Vedic creation hymns." Journal of Indian Council of Philosophical Research 17, no. 2 (2001): 147-168.
Puri, Bindu. "The self and the other: Liberalism and Gandhi." Philosophia 39, no. 4 (2011): 673-698.
Sangeetha, K. S. "A Recommendation for Correspondence Theory of Truth." Journal of Indian Council of Philosophical Research 33, no. 3 (2016): 465-480.
Sangeetha, K. S. "Russell on Ideal Language and Structure of External World." Indian Philosophical Quarterly 32, no. 3 (2005): 189.
Singh, Abba. "Social Philosophy of Ramanuja: its modern relevance." Indian Philosophical Quarterly 28, no. 4 (2001).
Singh, Abha. "Ethics of Globalization: Challenges and Prospects." Journal of Indian Council of Philosophical Research 32, no. 2 (2015): 165-174.
Verma, Roop Rekha. "Denial, contradiction and truth-value gaps." Philosophia 8, no. 2 (1978): 383-388.
Verma, Roop Rekha. "Femininity, equality, and personhood." Nussbaum and Glover (1995): 433-443.
Verma, Roop Rekha. "Vagueness & the Principle of Excluded Middle." Mind 79, no. 313 (1970): 67-77.